Maddy sadly passed away in March 2022, aged just 20, after suffering from a rugby injury, whilst playing for UWE, her university rugby team. Despite a courageous fight in hospital, Maddy tragically died of sepsis, two weeks after her injury. She was bright, loving and sporty, described by friends as a shining light in their lives. Within our close and small family she certainly filled our lives with laughter and joy.

In this extraordinarily difficult time, we take comfort in all the good that Maddy has done in her short life and the many people who were touched by her kindness, generosity, and love. It is our dearest wish to continue Maddy’s legacy by forging ahead with the charity we have set up in her name, Maddy’s Mark, which supports the cause she held closest to her heart, young women’s mental health.

Because not all battles are fought on the pitch.

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