Dwhite rugby ball iconnate



St Nicholas 

Something from


“I woke up this morning, looked at my calendar and said to my Mum, I play rugby every week now. I like that we can choose to play rugby if we want to, I think it’s for everyone. I play as part of my schools’ girls’ team, I thought rugby was only a boy’s sport, but anyone can play rugby”.

Sienna told me that she had not played rugby before, but her friend does play rugby and he’s very active. She felt that because she was a girl that other sports would suit her better. Sienna used to be afraid of the rugby ball, but rugby with Maddy’s Mark and Bath Rugby Foundation has built her confidence. “I now can catch a ball, score some tries and I like breaking through walls (defence lines). Breaking through walls has made me feel strong and brave.”

“My favourite part was learning and playing touch rugby. It’s pretty fun and it is the first time I tried playing it. I am very excited about the touch tournament because we will be going against other schools”